Gourd crab fish online. How to play?
If anyone plays Online casinos on a regular basis will see. That some casinos have games for us to play with gourd, crab, fish. In which the methods and rules are all the same as those we play in casinos far from home. Players can choose to bet in both ways as shown in the picture. or to stab a color There are also other forms of betting methods to play as well. For counting points, it will count like this.
Fish, represented by red, is equal to 1 point.
Shrimp, represented by green, is equal to 2 points.
Gourds, represented by blue, are equal to 3 points.
Tiger, represented by blue, is equal to 4 points.
Crab, represented by green, is equal to 5 points.
Chicken, represented by red, is equal to 6 points.
How to bet on gourd, crab, fish and payout rates
For stabbing gourds, crabs, fish can divide into the following forms of stabbing: Star to the UFABET.
high-low bet
It is a very popular betting method. Use the method of counting the points from all 3 dice together. If the score is 4 – 10, it will count as a low score. If the score 11 – 17 is count as a high score. The payout ratio will be 1: 1.
For example, we bet under 100 dice, coming out as gourds (3), crabs (5), fish (1), a total of 9 points. We win because of the low points. We will get a profit of 100 baht excluding capital.
single bet
It is a stab at a specific image. The payout rate is 1: 1, but the specialty is that if the dice come out on the same face again. We will receive an additional payout rate of 1 time. It may be 1: 2 or 1: 3, depending on how many balls will be issued on that page.
For example, bet on 1 fish, 100 baht, the dice face crab, shrimp, fish like this, we will receive a profit of 100 baht, excluding capital. But if fish, shrimp, fish like this, we will receive a profit of 200 baht, excluding capital. capital
Stab Teng in one color
The betting method is similar to a single bet. But the difference is that it predicts the color. The payout rate is 1: 1 as well, and if the dice come out in the same color that we bet on more than 1 ball, we will receive an additional payout rate of 1 times per 1 ball as well.
For example, we stabbed a green teng for 100 baht. Which has green crab and shrimp toppings. If it comes out with crab or shrimp face, it is consider. That we have won the prize as well. If only one shrimp or crab is issue the profit will be 100 baht, excluding capital. will get a profit of 200 baht excluding capital